Newsboys: Love Liberty Disco
Newsboys – austrāliešu puiši, kas lielāko daļu savas karjeras veidojuši Amerikā. Ieradušies šajā zemē 1985.gadā, viņi 1988.gadā izdeva savu debijas albumu un kopš tā laika uzsāka sekmīgu starptautisku karjeru. Love Liberty Disco ir grupas astotā studijas albuma tituldziesma. Albumā Love Liberty Disco [1999] grupa Newsboys atkāpās no sev ierastā poproka stila un pievērsās 60.gadu skanējumam, kā arī 70.gadu disko stilam.
Vairāk par grupu Newsboys lasiet ŠEIT .
and if I told you there’s somebody who loves you
would you say, hey, show me that face
and if I told you that your feeling was actual
would you say, hey, take me to that place
and if I said there is a family
a body that moves as one
oh do you feel the LOVE that invites us, the LIBERTY that excites us
the DISCO has just begun
it’s just begun
give me LOVE, give me LIBERTY, DISCO
the place everybody in the family’s found
on that day, we will all be happy people
when LOVE, LIBERTY, DISCO’s in town
and as we step into in the light of the lover
we’re all the same though we’re rich or poor
and, you know it’s never been good for a man to be alone
so come on in your name’s on the door
what are we waiting for?
give me LOVE, give me LIBERTY, DISCO
the place everybody in the family’s found
on that day, we will all be happy people
when LOVE, LIBERTY, DISCO’s in town
all our fears are turning ’round
fall down and meet your maker
where our true selves we’ll be found
callin’ out to every lonely soul
give me LOVE, give me LIBERTY, DISCO
the place everybody in the family’s found
on that day, we will all be happy people
when LOVE, LIBERTY, DISCO’s in town
give me LOVE, give me LIBERTY, DISCO
the place everybody in the family’s found
on that day, we will all be happy people
when LOVE, LIBERTY, DISCO’s in town
give me LOVE, give me LIBERTY, DISCO
the place everybody in the family’s found
on that day, we will all be happy people
when LOVE, LIBERTY, DISCO’s in town
give me LOVE, give me LIBERTY, DISCO
the place everybody in the family’s found
on that day, we will all be happy people
when LOVE, LIBERTY, DISCO’s in town
give me LOVE, give me LIBERTY, DISCO
the place everybody in the family’s found
on that day, we will all be happy people
when LOVE, LIBERTY, DISCO’s in town